Fun facts

I am a curious person and willing to spend time studying new things! Here are some fun facts about me.

1. Study American Sign Language

Knowing Rochester is home to one of the largest Deaf populations and our school offered American Sign Language (ASL) courses, I studied it for two years. I appreciated the opportunities to learn the beauty of ASL, attend Deaf community events, make friends with them, and learn their culture. Sharing a story told in ASL ^.^

2. Light Designer & Producer of a theater group

I have a great appreciation of theater arts, and in college, I enjoyed productions performed by our university theater groups. However, I found that even with several independent theater groups, all of them primarily produced works of North American theater. I aimed to diversify the theater community on campus by introducing a Chinese aesthetic, and to do so, I founded a group along with several others to introduce Chinese theater and culture to more people.

As the light designer for two productions, I self-learned light designing, lighting equipments and procedures. As the producer, I led a group of 45 students, oversaw and orchestrated four productions with donation increases 10% every semester. I also collaborated with students from other theater groups to organize workshops on theater group management and insights from different productions.