Chapter 2 Data sources

2.1 311 Service Request Data

The 311 service request data from 2018 to 2021 is downloaded from City of Boston ’s open data hub. The datasets includes all channels of engagement in which a service request is crated from year 2018 - 2021. In total, there are 1,047,926 cases. Below is the table of variables in this data set.

Table 2.1: Feature Description of 311 request dataset
Feature Description
case_enquiry_id The unique ID of each case
open_dt Open time of the case
target_dt Target time of the case
closed_dt Closed time of the case
ontime Whether the case is ontime or overdue
case_status Status of the case (‘Closed’, ‘Open’)
closure_reason Closure status and text indicating findings or work done to close a given case.
case_title Title given to a case.
subject Part of a case classification hierarchy (subject > reason > type)
reason Part of a case classification hierarchy (subject > reason > type)
type Part of a case classification hierarchy (subject > reason > type)
queue Queue a case is assigned to
department Department a case is assigned to
submittedphoto Photo submitted by the citizen along with the request
closedphoto Closed photo of the case
location Detailed location of the case
fire_district BFD fire district case falls within
pwd_district Public Works district a case falls within
city_council_district City Council district a case falls within
police_district Police district a case falls within
neighborhood Neighborhood relayed by caller and entered by call taker
neighborhood_services_district Districts under the Office of Neighborhood Services
ward Election ward a case falls within
precinct Election precinct a case falls within
location_street_name Street name a case falls within
location_zipcode Zip code a case falls within
latitude Latitude of a case
longitude Longitude of a case
source Channel that citizens use to make the request (‘Constituent Call’, ‘Citizens Connect App’, ‘City Worker App’,‘Self Service’, ‘Employee Generated’, ‘Twitter’,‘Maximo Integration’)
year Year of the case

2.1.1 Response Metrics

There are four response metrics in this study:

  • Close Rate: Number of close cases divided by total number of requests. The close cases are identified from ‘case status’.

  • Resolved Rate: Number of resolved cases divided by total number of requests. The resolved cases are identified from ‘closure_reason’.

  • Awaiting Time: Time period between open time and closed time of a request which is ‘closed_dt’ - ‘open_dt’.

  • Number of Requests Per Capita: Total number of requests in a neighborhood accumulated by four years divided by the population of that neighborhood. Population data will be described below.

2.2 Demographic Data

Demographic related data grouped by neighborhoods, including race, per capita income, education level, poverty rate, is also downloaded from City of Boston ’s open data hub compiled by Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA). Since cencus data is not collected in every year, 2015-2019 dataset is the most recent available 5-year American Community Survey (ACS) neighborhood demographic data. The demographic data is joined with 311 requests dataset by neighborhood.